Robo Kocan makes playful images with light in the landscape which typically look like animated fairy tales. He makes them by placing a black cut out form of, for example, the negative space around a fish, over the front of a box and putting a light inside the box, then covering the light with gels or colored filters. By positioning this box in the landscape and setting off the light many times at different distances from the camera, he gets the effect of a whole school of fish swimming through the forest. It may seem odd to some that he would choose to work this way in the age of digital imaging, but these Czech and Slovak artists are typically "hands on." I'm sure Kocan would say that being in the space affects what he does there-it's part of the process. He has worked on many projects, including overlapping portraits of people and of dogs and their owners, drawing with light in the landscape and multiple self portraits in an urban space. Some of these are printed at a scale that approaches life size.